Our Impact in 2022

We granted over £4.3 million during 2022, enabling community groups up and down the country to make a lasting impact for the people living in their local area.

We are an independent charitable foundation funded by Asda, and working alongside In-store Asda Community Champions to deliver support and funding where it’s needed most.

We focus our funding on the small grassroots organisations that make a positive difference in the heart of Asda communities. In 2022, we supported 7,119 groups with grants ranging from £200 to £25,000.

From major investment in community spaces, to funding much-needed equipment and activities, to responding to the cost-of-living crisis, we are proud of the work we do to empower small groups to overcome challenges and meet the needs of their own community.

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our impact report 2022

2022 - Our year in numbers

  • Scotland


  • Northern Ireland


  • England


  • Wales


UK map

In total over £4.3 Million Awarded in 2022


Building resilience


Crisis response


In every pound spent on grants

Money Awarded by grants

  • £702,849

    Under 18 Better Starts

  • £107,366

    Colleague Match Funding

  • £644,810

    Investing in Spaces & Places

  • £542,270

    Cost of Living

  • £980,300

    Green Token Giving

  • £165,596


  • £18,170

    Emergency Donations

  • £1,022,841

    Empowering Local Communities

  • £39,955

    Colleague Hardship

  • £69,037

    Supermarket Donations

Our stories