Transformation Tuesday – North Cove & Barnby Playing Field

April 9th, 2024

North Cove & Barnby Playing Field received once of our Investing in Spaces and Places grants for £15,000, via Asda Lowestoft. Their goal was to raise £35,000 to purchase new children’s play equipment.

Transformation Tuesday - North Cove & Barnby Playing Field 1

North Cove & Barnby Playing Field is a community playing field used by the community and surrounding villages.

Transformation Tuesday - North Cove & Barnby Playing Field

The existing play equipment had begun to age and no longer met safety standards. As this playing field is the only open space where children can safely play, the provision of new equipment has been essential to the wellbeing of children in the surrounding area. This project has granted parents peace of mind, knowing their children have a safe space in which to play, whilst also ensuring children have a space to socialise with each other.

Transformation Tuesday - North Cove & Barnby Playing Field

Funding was used to cover installations fees and the purchase of a climbing frame, swings and grass.

This is a long lasting project that benefits multiple villages for years to come, with the hope the improvements will encourage a wide range of groups to increase their use of the playing field.