Transformation Tuesday: Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM

February 27th, 2024

Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM received one of our Investing in Spaces and Places grants for £17,250, via Asda Barrow. Their goal was to raise £33,250 to create a multi-media hub for the community within their existing building.

Transformation Tuesday - Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM

CandoFM is a community FM and internet radio service providing relevant and inspiring content to the Furness area. The station is primarily run by community participants from diverse backgrounds that with the aims to:

  • Provide participants with a sense of purpose.
  • Combat social isolation.
  • Create a “community within,” that fosters positive discussions and interactions.
  • Promote aspiration.
  • Provide personal and professional opportunities.
  • Offer a platform for members of the local community to feel heard.

Transformation Tuesday - Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM

The funding this group received has enabled CandoFM to create a multi-use media focussed space, offering a unique and relevant space that provides a platform for positive community cohesion and cultural expression. With the potential to improve community connections, combat social issues and provide valuable opportunities for personal and professional development. The venue offers multiple opportunities for learning, conferences, and mini-events, and potential to be used as a live-streaming studio.

This project will be a valuable asset to the local community. The multi-media hub will be actively engaging with the local community, offering a wide variety of valuable opportunities for all ages.

Barrow’s Asda Community Champion

Transformation Tuesday - Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM

Asda Foundation’s funding has allowed the group to remove and install a new kitchen, install a double-glazed booth for live desks, install a gantry with lights and cameras for live streaming, install a new central heating system and radiators, and update their fixtures, fittings, lighting and furniture.

The studio was designed to instil a sense of pride in the local community and has been soundproofed to allow members of the public to engage with the radio station without noise interference. The space will also be used to host creative performances and conduct important interviews. As well as proving a space for training, work experience and a warm space for members of the local community.

When asked what this project means for the surrounding community:

We hope this project will create a positive difference by providing a space for the community to come together, connect and feel a sense of belonging that goes the same way towards providing solutions to some of these issues.

Jonny Williams, Group Director

Transformation Tuesday - Furness Broadcast Media Ltd – CandoFM